Angkor Wat Temple If we had drafted a plan to visit Asia before Shannon and Jim moved here, Cambodia likely would not have been on it. Now, we’d say YOU MUST COME HERE! In a similar fashion to our discovery of Romania, Cambodia is a country first off of beautiful people. They smile a lot. And why? Us at sunset Not so long ago, during our lifetime you will remember Po Pot, a Khmer Rouge dictator, who ruled the country and was responsible for the ‘killing fields’, eliminating anyone who appeared to resist his dictatorship. Now today the country is an emerging democracy, still in infancy, but with promise. And as we’ve witnessed here is where the UN has done some good work along with the EU, devoting time, energy and money to helping this country develop. Cambodia is a country that shares coastline with Thailand to its west, Vietnam to its east and Laos to its north. The Mekong river runs south out of Laos across Cambodia and into Vietnam before emptying into the Sou...
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